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- #ifndef SDI_DEFINES_H
- #define SDI_DEFINES_H
- /* Includeheader
- Name: SDI_defines
- Versionstring: $VER: SDI_defines.h 1.30 (06.05.1999)
- Author: SDI
- Distribution: PD
- Description: standard defines and macros and version string
- 1.17 12.06.96 : RETURN_WARN instead of RETURN_ERROR in SDI_ENDCODE
- 1.18 06.07.96 : End: PrintFault behind end --> allows selecting output
- 1.19 21.08.96 : added __SASC __AMIGADATE__ support
- 1.20 24.08.96 : better SAS-C support
- 1.21 04.09.96 : changed error with SAS date having the brackets already
- 1.22 18.11.96 : converted to english, C++ comments to C ones
- 1.23 02.01.97 : corrected some stuff
- 1.24 17.03.97 : removed GetChar and other obsolete defines
- 1.25 08.10.97 : renamed defines, removed some defines
- 1.26 10.02.98 : made version string const
- 1.27 20.02.98 : added compiler independence stuff
- 1.28 25.06.98 : compiler independent stuff moved to SDI_compiler.h
- 1.29 01.09.98 : fixes for StormC Demo
- 1.30 06.05.99 : changed AUTHOR string
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- /* ========================= useable defines ============================ */
- /*
- SDI_ENDCODE turn on generation of End function
- SDI_ENDCODE_NOCTRLC use End generation without CTRL_C check
- AUTHOR program author - default is "by SDI"
- DATE programm creation date - default is automatically created
- DISTRIBUTION distribution form - default is "(PD) "
- REVISION revision number - default is "0"
- VERSION version number - default is "1"
- */
- /* ======================= no need for <stdlib.h> ======================= */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- #endif
- extern void exit(int);
- /* ============================ other macros ============================ */
- /* <proto/exec.h>, <dos/dos.h> */
- #define CTRL_C (SetSignal(0L,0L) & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- /* ================================= SAS C ============================== */
- #define TestOS if(DOSBase->dl_lib.lib_Version < DosVersion) \
- /* A word about variable DosVersion: In my startup code for MaxonC++ I
- include use OpenLibrary("dos.library", DosVersion) instead of standard
- OpenLibrary("dos.library",0) call. If no DosVersion is given, this
- variable defaults to 33, else you can give the value by creating a global
- variable ULONG DosVersion = 37;. The program does not start, when the
- required DOS is not available. (Better then others, which crash) */
- /* ===================== version string and EndCode ===================== */
- #ifdef NAME
- #ifndef AUTHOR
- #define AUTHOR "by Dirk Stöcker <stoecker@amigaworld.com>"
- #endif
- #ifndef VERSION
- #define VERSION "1"
- #endif
- #ifndef REVISION
- #define REVISION "0"
- #endif
- #ifndef DATE
- #if defined(__MAXON__) || defined(__STORM__)
- #define SDI_DATE "(" __DATE2__ ")"
- #elif defined(__SASC)
- #define SDI_DATE __AMIGADATE__
- #elif defined(__GNUC__)
- #define SDI_DATE "(" __DATE__ ")"
- #endif
- #else
- #define SDI_DATE "(" DATE ")"
- #endif
- #define DISTRIBUTION "(PD) "
- #endif
- const STRPTR version = (STRPTR) "$VER: " NAME " " VERSION "." REVISION " "
- #endif /* NAME */
- #if defined(SDI_ENDCODE) || defined(SDI_ENDCODE_NOCTRLC)
- #include "SDI_compiler.h"
- INLINE void end(void);
- void End(UBYTE err)
- {
- if(CTRL_C)
- {
- err = RETURN_WARN;
- }
- #endif
- end();
- if(err) PrintFault(IoErr(), 0);
- exit(err);
- }
- #endif /* SDI_DEFINES_H */